Refund policy

General return policy:

For a full refund, items must be:

Returned within 30 days of delivery.

New article in an unused state and not open in its original packaging.

Returned to its original packaging and with all parts and accessories.

Returned following our error.


Damaged products must be returned within 30 days of delivery.

Shipping errors to report within 48 hours of delivery.

Damage due to transport must be noted on the transport slip.

In some cases and at the discretion of Cantin Distribution, return costs will be invoiced.

The credit will be processed within 10 working days of receipt of the item via a transport service or within 30 working days of the collection of a Cantin Distribution representative.

For returns outside the 30 -day period, contact your local representative or our customer service.

To return an article, contact us by calling 844-361-7919 or via our website to obtain a return of equipment (RMA).


Shipping goods from the goods With the joint rma has:

Cantin Distribution Inc.

8035 boulevard Pierre-Bertrand

Quebec, QC G2K 1B7


The customer is responsible for shipping.

Restocking costs of 20% can apply.

The credit will be issued after receipt and inspection of the article.

For any guarantee or guaranteed items such as equipment, pneumatic tools or crips, please contact your local representative or customer service.

Product defects beyond 30 days of delivery will be processed in accordance with the terms of the manufacturer's guarantee policy.

All other requests are subject to the conditions of the manufacturer's warranty and examination and are directly supported by the manufacturer.

Some articles cannot be returned, such as:

  • Safety products.
  • Special commands.*
  • Discontinuous articles.
  • Items used or installed.
  • Perishable articles.

*The articles identified special orders are considered to be "final sale", non -returnable and non -exchangeable.